About the Artist-
Melanie Dugan
I have loved to draw ever since I can remember. I have very early memories of drawing and I became serious about honing my skill at age 6. It took me many years and a lifetime of practice to come to this point. However, I have been pleased with my progress every step of the way. I have tried other media, put I have always come back to the pencil. In the last ten years that has meant colored pencil even for the works I create in black and white. I love the range of value that can be achieved, which is not possible with graphite alone.
When I was young, people always asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I would always answer, "An artist or a teacher". I am fotunate to have done both. I have worked as an elementary school teacher since 1985, though I was only able to teach art for one of those years. I hope to be able to be an art specialist before I retire from teaching. I look forward to that career change and being able to work on art full time. I hope you enjoy seeing my work.